Mission Statement
The boundary between medium and message dissolves in my artistic practice, allowing each work to emerge as a unique synthesis of form and content.
My process begins not with a predetermined medium but with exploring the subject itself. As I delve into a theme or concept, the most fitting materials and techniques reveal themselves organically.
Nature has become my greatest muse and teacher in all its intricate complexity. From the microscopic communities of soil bacteria to the vast networks of mycorrhizal fungi connecting entire woods, I find endless parallels to human societies and our potential for collaboration. This fascination is not merely aesthetic; it's a profound source of hope and inspiration in an often fractured world.
My journey as an artist is inseparable from my personal history. Growing up in a region marked by conflict, I spent my early childhood in bomb shelters. Those experiences of isolation paradoxically awakened in me a deep yearning for connection and a recognition of our shared humanity that transcends borders and differences. This perspective now infuses every aspect of my work, from concept to execution.
As I continue to explore the delicate and often hidden relationships within nature, my art evolves into a visual language that speaks to our fundamental interconnectedness. Each piece is a search for the invisible threads that bind all living things, inviting viewers to recognize their place within this vast, beautiful web of existence.
Through my art, I create portals to understand our world and ourselves better. I would love for those who engage with my work to come away with a renewed sense of wonder at the intricate interlacing of life and our collective role in shaping its future.